
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Things employees like / want in their workplace (apart from money / salary raise)

From the link:

Here are some of the things that employees like in their workplace:

  1. To feel proud of their organization.
  2. To be treated fairly at workplace.
  3. To respect the boss (to have a boss that deserves respect).
  4. To be heard out / to have ideas acknowledged.
  5. To have a personal life : work/life balance.
  6. To be coached, not micromanaged.
  7. To see the assholes tamed
  8. To feel less stress.
  9. To have job security.
  10. To beat the competition.


  1. تمر محشي
    تمر صقعي
    تمر محشي سكري
    تمر محشي شيكولاته
    يعتبر تمر محشي الشوكولاته تحلية مثالية لجميع محبي الحلويات. احرص على تقديمها بشكل جميل ومدهش لتثير إعجاب الجميع. استمتع بتجربة هذه الوصفة الممتعة وشارك الفرحة مع الآخرين من خلال تقديم هذه الحلوى اللذيذة.
