Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Starting work on MRP + (Update: Postponed to be combined with Internship.).

Attended a session for MRP (Major Research Paper) today. Primary Research about first generation IMGs (International Medical Graduates) in Canada. 15,000 words / 60 pages? No problem! Yeeee Haw ! Excited. Full steam ahead !!!

MRP is a mandatory part of MBA program at the Ted Rogers School of Management. It is a way to polish up on report writing skills and research skills, which is helpful in academic and professional life ahead.  

Update: I was told that it is better to combine the MRP with internship. That means that I shall have to wait until the Spring / Summer term to start the MRP.

No problem. I shall focus on other aspects until then. Shall try to become stronger in Quantitative Analysis aspects in the Winter 2012 term. I am taking a full course load for the next (Winter) term. I am not sure about starting a job in January 2012 now. Better to focus on completing the MBA with excellent grades and knowledge and start job in May 2012.

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