
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Random points about MBA in Finance

"After the recent global economic downturn, there is a need for fresh ideas and innovation in the field of Finance, now more than ever" as per Prof. Anant K Sundaram. “In both its theories and in practice, the core ideas in finance are founded on a set of logically cogent ideas. There are few disciplines taught in business schools where academic research and the real world come together as remarkably well as in finance. The ideas that underpin the field not only win Nobel prizes regularly, but they also form the basis upon which billions of dollars change hands every day.

“That said, there are many questions that finance still continues to grapple with. For example: What causes recurrent financial crises? What is the role of ‘long tail’ risks, and how can they be better understood and analyzed? Why do we witness apparently predictable irrational investment decision-making by investors and managers? Why do markets and companies seem prone to herd behaviors? How can corporate governance practices and incentives be structured so as to produce value-creating outcomes for the long-run as opposed to the short-run? What is the right balance between free markets and regulation in enabling the best outcomes for society-at-large? “Finance education, which includes some of the top MBA programs, continues to make exciting progress on all of these important questions.”

MBA in Finance will benefit individuals seeking employment in:
  • Corporate Finance
  • Commercial Banking
  • Financial Planning
  • Investment Banking and
  • Other sectors.
Specific job titles commonly held by graduates of MBA finance programs include:
  • Financial Officer
  • Credit Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Management Consultant or
  • Senior Financial Analyst.