Thursday, October 18, 2012

10 Ways For MBA Students To Be Humble in a Team Environment in Business School

From the link:

Open dialogue and collaboration can take your organization to the next level when exceptional ideas are embraced for their inherent value, regardless of the source. But being able to listen to both grassroots and world-renowned thought leaders and champion employee-engagement and customer-feedback programs requires checking your ego at the door - and getting your managers to do the same.
  1. Focus on the team's goal and not individual bragging rights
  2. Recognize that creativity, wisdom and brilliance are packaged in many different forms
  3. Acknowledge that anyone can contribute to the conversation, analysis and ultimately, execution
  4. Appreciate those who seem less knowledgeable than you
  5. Learn something new
  6. Solicit and apply useful feedback
  7. Be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses
  8. Don't be afraid to try out a new idea
  9. After test runs, reflect on the worthiness of ideas and their execution
  10. Listen to people with whom you are supposed to be connecting. 
Wow, these are great tips. Please read the full article at the link at the top. These are very relevant for MBA students for implementation during group activities and team work. 

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