Monday, January 16, 2012

Good videos about Micro Economics on YouTube

Here are some good videos about Micro-Economics. Here is another teacher who is trying to educate the world. Hats off to her. I love people like her. I love people like Sal Khan. I actually love what I myself am doing, LOL ---> trying to educate the world and make the world a better knowledge.

What I am doing is to try to increase awareness about Business Management through my blog posts. Not only am I blogging about my experience as an MBA student, I am also posting useful information related to Business Management as my posts. This is a way for people to find  a lot of relevant information at one place. These were posted here after a LOT of research and sifting through articles, videos and pictures. They do NOT come easy :)))

Enjoy the video below. There are more such videos available at her YouTube channel "gewalker72". Enjoy :):

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