Monday, January 16, 2012

Schedule of my MBA classes for Winter 2012 term (January to April 2012)

This is just to give you an idea about how things roll :) As a Full Time student, I am allowed to take a minimum of 3 courses to maintain the minimum 60% course load (3/5 = 60%). Alternatively, I could take 5 courses to maintain a 100% workload (5/5 = 100%). I am doing my own thing (yup, I have a mind of my own and always do exactly what I want, LOL. The important thing for me is to be comfortable with my learning experience and realllllllyyy understand my subjects. I do not want to rush it or feel rushed :) and taking 4 courses at 80% work load (4/5 = 80%).

So there, I have to attend classes for about 12 hours a week. Plus there are a ton of:
  • Assignments - regular 
  • Readings - before classes and after classes
  • Daily journal entries - for 1 course
  • Regular problem solving and calculations  / practice
  • Presentations - one to 2 per term per subject on average
  • Team assignments - on a regular basis
  • Report writing - on a regular basis
  • and so on
No Sir, the MBA is not a cake walk and is not for the faint hearted. When I was in Medical School, thought THAT was intense. Bull shit. An MBA is one of the MOST intensive programs in the world :)

My weekly schedule at 80% work load is as below:

2 PM to 5 PM: Consulting Skills
6:30 PM to 9:30 PM: Healthcare Policies, Management

6:30 PM to 9:30 PM: Finance related class

9 AM to 12 noon: Logistics & Supply Chain Management

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