Friday, February 24, 2012

Corporate Personality & CPD (Corporate Personality Disorder)

I had some thoughts today:
  • Do companies have personalities, just like people? An aggregate behaviour as the end result of all individual behaviours together. Perhaps they do.
  • And if companies do have personalities, are they perfect?
  • Can the company personalities be improved?
  • Can they be fine tuned to improve efficiency?
  • If necessary, can any problems be solved?
  • Yes, there is something called Corporate Culture. But there must be something call Corporate Personality, as well, eh?

I did an internet search and found a few useful links as below:
I even found an interesting blog at the link below. The blog is called:

Surviving Corporate Personality Disorder - It's not you that's crazy -- it's the organization!

The author has a written a book called: Surviving and Saving Sick Organizations - Corporate Personality Disorder - by Dr. Eli Sopow. PhD.

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