Sunday, February 12, 2012

Interesting post about Blog traffic plateauing or reaching a "natural limit" ---> Flattening of the traffic growth curve. Kinda true :))) Boy, I need SEO help :)

Here is an interesting post about flattening of the blog traffic growth curve from the link below:

And here is a diagram from that link:
Though the explanation above is not fully "scientific", there is however some truth to it. I am experiencing the same now. After a BURST of crazy growth, the traffic has slowly begun to go flat around 8000 views a month. Perhaps I need to use better SEO techniques or do better interlinking or networking.

It is true that Success is directly proportional to Effort (Hard work) and Techniques (Smart work). But in spite of all your work, there comes a time when growth rate can not be sustained.  There! Blogging has taught me another lesson in business ---> Crazy growth rate is not always sustainable (unless, perhaps, if you are Facebook, LOL. But Facebook shall have its maturity someday, too. That is bound to happen years from now).

It is not easy, considering that I am a full time student and that I do not primarily do this for traffic. However, let's face it. Which blogger would not like high traffic, eh? Which blogger or writer would not like to have his work appreciated?

At first, I was worried about blog content theft. But that does not seem to be the case for now.

Gerry Som.

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