Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer 2012 MBA term is almost complete

For the summer term, I had my MBA internship. I did 2 things as part of the internship:
(1) Entrepreneurship as internship: started my own business.
(2) Healthcare Management Consulting internship: worked on a report.

I am a few days away from completion of my MRP (Major Research Paper) and thus, the completion of my Summer 2012 term. After this, I have just 1 course left for my Fall 2012 term, and I shall be DONE with my MBA !!!!!!!

Can't wait to complete the required formalities, and to graduate :)

Regarding the MRP, I have to say that when you are busy with your internship, there is a certain kind of mental inertia that sets in. The MRP is similar to a thesis or dissertation, only shorter. Nonetheless, it is a 10,000 to 15,000 word report, 40 to 60 pages long. It is prepared after doing a lot of (primary and ) secondary research. So it can get exhausting. Of course, there are people who breeze through it, and people who toil through it. It is different for each candidate and depends on many factors like the subject chosen, your interest or passion in the subject, your knowledge of the topics, and so on. Of course, it helps to start early and be regular, and most importantly, to choose a topic of your interest, because you will be stuck with it for 2 months or more.

As mentioned previously, I am not the smartest guy in my class, but I manage to get things done. Somehow, I personally am into extra-curricular-self-learning, rather than focusing on text-book learning alone. Sometimes that can be a good things, but sometimes, it can go out of hand - particularly, if you delay deadlines due to distraction. However, I am glad that I always stick to my studies and not pursue other activities during my MBA.

Gosh, I even missed the term MBA party this time. There was a boat cruise recently attending by all the classmates, and I had to miss it to complete my report. No complains, however. My priorities have changed. My focus is more on my business and completing my report.



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