Saturday, February 11, 2012

Provinces of Canada that I driven around in (Road Trip)

These are the provinces that I have traveled by road (driven myself):
  1. Ontario - all over Ontario - extensive driving (more than 3000 km)
  2. Manitoba - Winnipeg, Brandon, Falcon Lake etc
  3. Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, Regina
  4. Alberta - Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer,
  5. Quebec - Quebec city, Montreal,
  6. New Brunswick - Fredericton,  
  7. Nova Scotia - Sydney, Halifax
  8. Newfoundland & Labrador - St.Johns, Port a basque
  9. PEI (Prince Edward Island) - Charlottetown
I have driven across (horizintally) a huge chunk of Canada on the TransCanadian National Highway. Will complete the list soon...

What is the longest that I have driven in a single day (less than 24 hours span)? ---> 1500 kms !
What is the longest that I have driven non stop (hands on the wheel & continuous driving) -> 350 kms.

I have traveled to British Columbia &  Nunuvat by air, but not by land.
I have not been to Yukon or NWT yet.

To the Non-Canadians reading this, driving around in Canada is the closest you can get to heaven, ha ha :))).Soooo much fun! Especially the Fall season when the leaves change colour. Another fun element is the animals that you during the drives - moose, bear, deer, racoons, you name it! The most fun I have had was driving in Newfoundland. Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world!

The best part was that my parents were with me and I was showing them around Canada.. Sweet memories. I am glad that I am in Canada :) Love this country!

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