Friday, November 4, 2011

Admission Criteria: Post MBA Diploma from Schulich School of Business

Schulich's Post-MBA Diploma in Advanced Management allows individuals with a recognized MBA degree to update their business degree and stay abreast of new developments in their professions. This program also allows MBA graduate to develop new expertise in another career area. An applicant's MBA must be academically equivalent to an MBA in Canada and to Schulich's MBA (determined by the admissions committee), and must be a two year full-time program (or equivalent ), 60 credits.

MBA degrees completed in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh are not considered equivalent to an MBA in Canada (by Schulich's Admission Committee), nor to Schulich's MBA curriculum therefore, these degrees are not accepted for admission to the Post-MBA Diploma in Advanced Management.

Individuals who enroll in Schulich's Post MBA Diploma have the ability to create their own learning program and complete the program at their own pace. 

Students can study either:
FULL-time      or 

Students can begin the program in one of three semesters:
September (Fall Term)
January (Winter Term)     or 
May (Spring / Summer Term). 

Individuals must complete a total of 5 full credit courses to complete the program.

Each applicant to the Post Diploma Program must submit the following to be assessed for admission:
1. Candidates to the program must posses a recognized MBA with an academic standing no less than a B. Transcripts of the MBA degree in a signed and sealed envelope, sent directly from the post-secondary institution.

2. Two years of relevant full-time work experience post undergraduate degree.
3. English Proficiency (see MBA admission criteria above)
4. A detailed resume
5. GMAT (not required)

Application deadlines are listed below for your reference:
Fall (September): deadline = May 1

Winter (January): deadline = October 1
Summer (May): deadline = February 1