Thursday, December 22, 2011

I did some research about how BIG money is made. How to get rich? Eureka. Now I know...

For the past few days, I have been researching about how big money is made. How do people get mega rich? How did people become millionaires and billionaires?

Answer in 2 words: "Leverage OPR" 

"Leverage Other Peoples Resources*". * Resources may include: Time, Money, Energy, Ideas, Skills, Expertise, Inspirations, Enthusiasm, Motivation, Networks, Efforts, Projects, Loyalty, Patronage, Inventions, Discoveries, Creations etc. 

The idea is to do this / achieve this in an ethical manner by creating a win-win relationship! It is very important to understand debt, risk and leverage. This can be done by a good leader or a Champion who is able to successfully bring all these together on one platform and make them function in harmony.

But leveraging is a double edged sword. If you do not know how to utilize it properly, it can cut you and hurt you!

You can also add 2 more points to this concept: The power of Time &  The power of Compound Interest.